Informed consent
1. I understand that HYPONOSIS therapy may involve the use of different therapeutic techniques in combination with progressive relaxation, guided imagery, fantasy, and other hypnotic interventions. As part of hypnosis therapy, the client is invited to imagine events, circumstances, behaviors, thoughts, emotions from previous situations in their experience. I understand that clients largely, in response to relaxation / hypnosis and the regression process, experience vivid images and memories, while others may have a milder experience.
I also understand that certain memories and images experienced during hypnosis may represent traumatic events that can generate intense emotions. These emotionally charged images are helpful in the therapeutic sense to facilitate awareness, understanding, and healing, yet they can be disturbing.
2. I attest that I have not been diagnosed with any physical, emotional or mental condition that would prevent me from having hypnosis therapy. I accept any risk associated with participating in the session, recognizing that emotionally disturbing or traumatic events may be relived during the session, which will be addressed therapeutically. And I recognize that, although this session may have therapeutic effects, it is in no way a substitute for medical, psychological or psychiatric care.
3. I understand that, if I am a psychiatric patient, or if I present an emotional imbalance and I am advised not to regress but to approach therapy through another tool, that the therapist is acting in good faith and under responsibility in line with his or her expertise to achieve the best result of the session.
4. If I am a psychiatric patient, I attest that I have notified my psychiatrist to undergo hypnosis therapy as a complementary approach.
BIODESCODIFICATION: complementary therapy
Biodecoding is not intended to diagnose or promise a cure for any disease. It hypothetically addresses the emotional origin of diseases in support of an existing medical diagnosis and treatment, gives the client a new look at the disease and at the same time helps them to release hidden and unexpressed emotions that may be linked to their disease. Only the querent can check their results.
If at the moment you are undergoing any medical, psychological or psychiatric treatment, biodecoding in no way replaces these treatments, you are advised to continue in your therapy and / or treatment until you are discharged by the health specialist.